Thursday, October 6, 2011

[TRANS] Three men’s relationships? Train-Aegyo-gentle and sweet “three-tired combination’

Three mens age reached mid-twenties. Its the age that knows sweet and bitter tastes of love. Of course there must have been laughing and crying because of relationship matters.
Firstly, Kim Jae Joong who boasted the butter scent* that did not sway at Wang Ji Hyes lineyou have no exitin SBS dramaProtect the Boss’, his style issweet and gentle’. Park Yu Chun said You cant find coldness (‘무뚝뚝함’)** in Jae Joong. Hes sweet and gentle and also shows aegyo sometimes. Jae Joong exploded, “When did I ever!” and disclosed Jun Sus dating style.
“(Jun Sus) phone communication is no joke, starting with baby-yah’. JS who did not know what to do because of embarassment bursting out in his signature laugh redirected the focus on Yu Chun. Jun Su said, “Yu Chun talks on the phone like an adult. It sounds like he treats [his girlfriend] like a baby”.
Jae Joong added to this that “[Yu Chun] is the type who trains*** [his girlfriend] in a low tone voice.”
* When someone smells like butter, it means that person is too much, as in too sexy, too smooth, too sweet, etc. In this case, I think the editor is talking about how JJ handeled WJHs compliment so smoothly.
** If you want to understand 무뚝뚝함 better, just picture a typical old-school Korean father from old days in Korean dramas. A 무뚝뚝한 man doesnt talk much, doesnt express his feelings, doesnt show affections towards his wife and kids, doesnt buy flowers and gifts, etc. It’s that sort of thing.
*** As far as I know when you train someone, it means that you sort of play relationship games (but in a good way). A person whos a good trainer pushes and pulls his/her SO at the right time (not physically!) making the relationship more interesting
****In short, relationship styles: JJ: sweet, gentle w/ aegyo, JS: aegyo n calls his gfbaby”, YC: trainer who treats his girl like a baby  
Credit: DC 뽕굴 히죽님 + JYJ Daum Telzone + Sports Chosun
Translation + Notes: Spring_Breezes
Shared by: JYJ3

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